Mandela spoke these words on the second anniversary of Youth Day in South Africa,

This generation of youth stands at the border-line between the past of oppression and repression, and the future of prosperity, peace and harmony.

Today’s generation of youth face the same challenges on the “border-line” of change.  Social issues like drug abuse, fatherlessness, poverty, and HIV/AIDS face the young people today, especially in the communities where CAST works.

On Monday, CAST remembered the Soweto uprising in 1976 through a Youth Day celebration in KwaDabeka.  Local youth celebrated through basketball, soccer, dance, and music.

youth day south africa

Ambu Madilonga, Westville Baptist Church’s Youth Director, spoke to the youth about the Soweto Uprising and the meaning of Youth Day in South Africa.  Ambu shared his story about meeting Jesus and also about the importance of young people.

The theme of KwaDabeka’s Youth Day Celebration was “Young, Gifted, & Blessed”.  The focus was on the value and worth of young people, and finding their God-given purpose.  While there are many obstacles and challenges facing the youth in CAST’s programmes, Youth Day 2014 was a reminder of the bright future that God has in store for every young person.

youth day south africa