28 06, 2022

CHURCH ALLIANCE: Pastors Retreat

2024-06-18T14:26:06+02:00Event, The People|

What a blessed few days at our retreat for Church pastors who form part of our Church Alliance We had leadership from churches in Phoenix, KwaDabeka, Noodsberg, Chibini, Esikhawini, Edamini, Mariannridge, and Westville join us for 2 nights at Harburg Retreat Centre in Northern KZN. It was an opportunity to bring all our church partners together to engage on existing justice issues in their communities and form plans on how CAST can support them. Please keep us in [...]

27 04, 2022


2024-05-15T16:39:24+02:00Events, Poverty Relief, The People|

Working Towards For FREEDOM And EQUALITY For All Thanks to the support of our generous donors and volunteers, we have been able to assist the following communities with flood relief so far: Westville, KwaDabeka, Reservoir Hills, Clermont, Mariannridge, Mariannhill, Dassenhoek, Pinetown, Molweni, Nazareth, Lamontville, Chesterville, Cato Manor, Chatsworth, Shallcross, Savannah Park, Phoenix, Edamini, Shongweni, Inanda, Wyebank and Umbilo. Get involved and contact us via info@cast.org.za or find our donation details at cast.org.za.

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