Partner: West City Fellowship

Originally called the “Blackhurst Location”, Chesterville was established in 1946, and named after T.J. Chester, the Municipal Native Administrative Department Manager of the time. Chesterville was built with the intention of becoming a retirement village. However, families moved from Cato Manor into Chesterville after the forced evacuations and riots of the 1940s and 1950s. This township community has a rich history of involvement in the apartheid struggle. Although there has been considerable development in recent years, there are still large numbers of people living in informal housing and affected by poverty and HIV/AIDS. West City Fellowship has been actively involved in development in this community since the late 1980s.

CAST currently partners with the Greater Cato Manor Fraternal; Ngilonde Orphanage; Vukukhanye; City Hope; as well as primary and high schools in this district. Some of the problems this community faces include: drug abuse, unemployment, and lack of housing.

Since 2014, CAST has implemented Relief Services, distributing food parcels to those in need. To date, 64 people have benefitted from the Local Economic Development programmes, 5 of whom are currently running their own businesses, using micro-loans received from CAST in 2016. 12 of the Business participants have also formed a Savings Club.

You can get involved in uplifting this community by volunteering as a tutor for the Wordworks Early Literacy programme facilitated at HP Ngwenya Primary School, as a Business training mentor, youth leader, or for Relief Services.

Partner churches/organisations: Greater Cato Manor Fraternal: New Beginning church, WCF, Full Gospel Church, Methodist, Zionist, Baptist, Presbyterian Assembles of God, Ngilonde Orphanage; Vukukhanye; City Hope; MRC, HP Ngwenya; Chesterville High; Umkhumbane Secondary School, Christopher Nxumalo Junior School; Khanye Kwelanga Primary, Bonela Secondary, Wiggins Secondary School; Nsimbini Primary School, Nkanyezi ECD, Chesterville Clinic, Cato Manor Police, Police Forum, Chesterville Library.

Programmes currently implemented, including average monthly statistics: Children/Education – Holiday Club (120), literacy (20), Relief (32) – food parcel, sales bags, health; Youth (28) – soccer, youth ministry, creative art, dance, basketball, Business (12) – beadwork, Nedbank Consumer Training

Relief Services
Business Development
Youth Sport Programmes (Participants)
Child Education