
24 06, 2020

Protecting our Communities

2020-06-24T13:14:43+02:00Business Development, Poverty Relief, The People|

At the start of the national lockdown in late March 2020, the Kruger family were watching a news report about the importance of wearing masks to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus in South Africa. The family knew that people did not have access to face masks, especially those who did not even have money for food.  They knew that the need for masks was going to be huge and urgent, so they got to work the very [...]

19 05, 2020

[MOVE BEYOND CHARITY] CAST Newsletter Vol.2 April/May 2020

2020-06-24T14:54:49+02:00Business Development, Education, Poverty Relief, The People, Uncategorised, Youth Development|

Today we bring you our second quarterly newsletter for 2020:   Click here to download the pdf: CAST Newsletter Vol.2 APRIL_MAY_2020. Watch this space for more about our ministry highlights and upcoming events. Feel free to share with all who are interested in the movement beyond charity!

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