relief services

3 01, 2023

Sewing for Success

2023-04-05T14:59:22+02:00Impact Stories, Poverty Relief, The People|

We are so grateful that we could assist our partner, Worship Centre Church in Umbilo, to establish a sewing group training project, training unemployed women, and using clothing donated to CAST to generate an income. This church serves a broad community of refugees from African countries and seeks to help the women to become economically-empowered.

12 12, 2022

Answered Prayers

2023-04-05T10:53:30+02:00Impact Stories, Poverty Relief, The People|

What a blessing to be able to equip our partner Melitha Baptist Church, Lamontville to assist in renovating Nonhlanhla's home with much-needed repairs. This has made a world of difference for this family. Help us reach more families in need of immediate relief that will improve their living conditions and empower them to go further.

11 12, 2022

Sundays are for serving

2024-05-14T15:46:07+02:00Poverty Relief, The People|

Our Feed a Family Christmas Campaign is running for one more week! Help us bless families by donating R400 per food parcel - see the poster or visit for giving options. Big THANK YOU to our 3 volunteer groups that packed 300 food parcels this morning, ready to go out to our partner churches  

6 09, 2022

Westville Boys’ Outreach

2022-10-20T22:52:21+02:00Poverty Relief, The People|

What a pleasure to have the Grade 10 learners from Westville Boys' High School spend a couple of days assisting us in our Food & Clothing Ministry and Flood Relief projects For more information on how you can get involved, contact us: Email Call +2731 266 8830

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