
15 08, 2013

Christmas Lovebox Drive.

2018-09-03T12:45:43+02:00Poverty Relief|

Hearts to Hands is holding a Christmas Love Box drive, where we aim to give 800+ underprivileged children in poor families a Christmas present. We invite “YOU” to take part in this exciting and fun project to make a difference and bring a smile to a poor and needy child’s face this year. How can you get involved? Bring a wrapped shoe box and fill it with presents per suggestions on the list below. Collect from us: · [...]

20 05, 2013

Cleaning Up Lamontville.

2018-09-04T11:23:10+02:00Poverty Relief, The People|

Imagine getting a group of teenagers excited about having to pick up litter in their community for an entire afternoon. Schools and parents have been trying for years to make kids litter-conscious and, most of the time, their efforts are in vain. But, CAST’s area coordinator in Lamontville decided that he was going to tackle this task and rally up the troops from the Lamontville Baptist youth group to clean up an area of the community. “I wanted [...]

14 05, 2013

What if God was one of us?

2018-09-04T11:51:24+02:00The People, Uncategorized|

( IMAGE BY RICHARD BOLLAND) When it comes to loving the poor, I feel that I, along with many other Christians still have not got it right. Actually, we suck. Raise your hand if you feel good when you give some spare change to the boy who comes up to your car window at the intersection. I know I do. This is because I have learned to become satisfied with those "saintly" actions, they have become enough for [...]

11 03, 2013

Have an Eternal Impact.

2013-03-11T09:40:40+02:00Poverty Relief, The People|

Every Tuesday night, Cheryl Robbins walked the streets of Durban with the rest of our Street Ministry team, eager to see the four young boys who had captured her heart. One of them, Maxwell, would run up to her with his arms outstretched, shouting, “Mom!” That’s what happens during street ministry. Relationships and bonds are formed. Why would a young, black street child regard a white woman, whom he sees once a week, as a motherly figure? It’s [...]

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