The CHURCH ALLIANCE FOR SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION (C.A.S.T.) is a registered non-profit organisation that is focused on journey with local churches to restore the justice and peace of God in the world.
We align, equip, empower the local churches to transform their communities.
CAST was born out of the community development programmes of three Baptist churches: Westville (Home Ground), KwaDabeka and Noodsberg. Over three decades, these churches had together developed partnerships with a number of schools, clinics and community-based organisations in poorer communities. Through these partnerships, programmes to help the poor in these communities were already running when CAST was registered as an independent NPO in 2009 (and subsequently as a Trust in 2011). Jean-Ray Knighton Fitt, former Pastor of Compassionate Ministries at Home Ground Westville Baptist Church, founded and served as CEO of CAST until 2020.
The existing programmes in the Durban Inner City, KwaDabeka, Cato Manor and Noodsberg were incorporated into the new organisation which began to grow rapidly expanding its scope of programmes and branching into new communities. In 2010, the Masibambisane Center in Cato Manor was incorporated into CAST, followed in 2013 by Transformation Mariannridge (or RidgeCity) and then early in 2014, the outreach programmes of West City Fellowship in Chesterville. All these organisations brought experience, existing programmes, staff and valuable connections into the organisation.
Partnering and aligning with local churches to reach out with practical compassion to empower, transform and redeem communities.
We develop leaders who are passionate about leading people the Jesus way: towards God’s peace, wholeness, justice and righteousness.
The programme empowers people to be “just leaders” – leaders who are fully equipped to understand what justice in their local area looks like. This means that they will be able to understand, develop theology (God-knowledge) for and respond to the contexts they find themselves in in eThekwini, KZN and South Africa – and then lead people to do the same.
This powerful year-long course takes the work of justice and leadership deeper. It is geared towards leaders and urban practitioners who are thinking about mission, outreach, community development and social transformation in our urban (including suburban and township) spaces.
It is a fully accredited University level course that can be used towards an Honours or Masters through the University of Pretoria.
These donors are assisting us to break the cycle of poverty. We need your support! Join our donors. C.A.S.T. is a Section 30 organisation under the Income Tax Act. Donations made to the organisation are tax deductible under Section 18A (1)(a) of the Income Tax Act.
CAST is a registered Trust IT No. 986/2011/PMB. It is also registered with the Department of Social Services as a non-profit organisation: 085-077 NPO, and with SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation under Section 30 of the Income Tax Act. Donations made to the organisation are tax deductible under Section 18A (1)(a) of the Income Tax Act. Let’s break the cycle of poverty together.